Where's MY
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It only took 50+ years, but Trump has thrown affirmative action (DEI) out the window and is promising to once again make success in America "Merit Based".
As the late Professor of Economics Walter Williams stated in one of his videos, "you cannot create an advantage for one group without simultaneously creating a disadvantage for a different group".
When I finished high school in the mid 1970's and tried applying for a variety of jobs, I was greeted with "We can't give you an application because we haven't filled our quota of minorities".
I am compiling a book of my 50+ years of "reverse discrimination" experiences and observations as well as the burden of "carrying", and being kicked aside in favor of,
Special Interest Groups (SIG's).
I am absolutely certain that, during my life, had I documented the number of jobs I had to apply to in order to successfully find employment (due to these quotas), I would easily hold the Guiness Book of World records.
From 2009 to 2014 I kept a spread sheet to track my job hunting efforts and racked up a total of 753 jobs applied for. This wasn't just copying and pasting, but painstakingly searching for positions which aligned with my education and experience, and carefully re-writing my resume to include key words from the job descriptions in order to make it past the computer filters (Toyota received over 100,000 applications for 1,000 position openings at their new plant, I believe it was in Texas) which is the first hurdle in most modern job-hunting efforts.
I averaged 3.6 hours of my time for each application, researching advertisements, researching each company so I knew their particulars, tailoring of resume for key words to match the job description, writing a unique cover letter for each job, maintaining the spreadsheet so I could follow up each application, and logging results.
Approximately 2,700 hours or 16 months during that 5 year period (God only knows how much time during my entire life). The psychological damage and anger I felt is simply indescribable. Made worse when my ex-wife declared "You aren't trying hard enough".
I already knew that Special Interest Groups (SIG's) were given preference, the economy was in bad shape, my age was against me and several employment agencies were very blunt that because of "Obama Care" socialized medical coverage it was simply too expensive to comply with employees over 50 so employers would not even consider me. But I kept trying. I was CERTAIN my experience and education was valuable to SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE.
Then, in 2014 I found a job advertisement which required a
I learned that the government was actually SUBSIDIZING employers which hired SIG's ("protected classes").
It was in 2015 when I learned from one of their terminated Special Interest Group employees that Boeing corporation was so keen to receive these subsidies, they actually have a computer program which constantly compares tax credits received for current Special Interest Group employees versus the tax credits new Special Interest Group applicants would bring in.
This terminated Special Interest Group employee (two catagories, former military and disabled) was terminated without notice and later learned that he was replaced by a Special Interest Group employee who filled FOUR catagories!
No longer is ability, ingenuity, hard work, and productivity a recipe for success. But politics, colour of skin, and willingness to "game the system" and submit to the "party line".
I made a special effort (a road trip) to apply in person to two major employment specialist companies. I had sent them dozens of resumes/applications for positions which aligned with my experience and education. I never received a single response even from my follow ups.
Both of these employment specialists (in different states) were shocked to see me on their doorstep. I was in suit and tie and carried a hard copy of my resume and letters of reference. I was invited into an office where the manager (at both companies) closed the door and sat down with me. After complementing me on my education, experience and references, each manager stated that, at this time, they are unable to help me. Of course I was shocked and asked WHY?
In both instances, each of the managers stated very clearly that I was not a "protected class". The hiring companies were ONLY considering "protected classes" for which they could receive "Tax Credits". And they concluded our conversations with "you are unemployable in the usa".
Both managers recommended that I search for overseas employment where there are no EEO requirements.
"Those employers hire based on competency."
I came to the shocking realization that my years of perserverance was for nought. And that my years of education and experience meant NOTHING and the quotas sent me to the back of the bus! So much for merit!
I spent months trying to come to terms with my situation. The lost opportunities, the lost income, the lost savings, the time and opportunities with my children which were missed, and irreparable damage to my marriage because of these artificial barriers against me, all for the sake of subsidizing Special Interest Groups (SIG's) so the political parasite class accomplish THEIR plans (buying votes and retaining power).
I then saw clearly that I was not a "citizen" with rights, but a host being consumed by parasites. The worst part for me was the waiting and the "false hopes" that "Oh, someone will at least interview me", but they never did. And then my teenage sons trying to enter the work force encountered the same quota/preferential barriers in both education and employment.
So Donald, how can my children and grandchildren hold out any hope for a future?
Everything which you've started doing (un-doing) will be subject to future executive orders, activist judges, and bureaucratic revolt which would reverse things back to special privileges for
Special Interest Groups (SIG's).
And even if you somehow succeed in exterminating these parasites to clear the path for future generations to find success, how do "we the damaged" from the actions of these parasites rebuild OUR lives? When our youth was spent almost in entirety living under their 50+ years of subjugation and threats? Are we to be considered "collateral damage" with no chance of being made whole or at least partially compensated for the illegal actions of these parasites? Working as door greeters or bellhops for the remainder of our lives?
You and others (repubs as well as dem rats) who have financial access to the "legal system" and the 5th column1 media are able to file multi-BILLION dollar lawsuits for injustices which you claim damaged your reputation, or as in the case of E. Jean Carroll against YOU, she claimed damages against you for damaging HER reputation stemming from claims going back 30 years! (where's the statute of limitations?)
Is Ayn Rand correct, that our honesty has been nothing but self-sacrifice?Are those who used the system for personal enrichment (the list is endless) to live the rest of their lives in comfort and luxury (due to statute of limitations or some other "technicality") while we who have lost everything are forced to simply live in a cardboard box begging on the streets in order to eat?
And as your favorite government South Afrikan contractor/subsidy receiver Elon Musk is in favor of H1-B visas to displace American workers how can anyone believe your actions will be permanent and that YOUR special interest groups will not be the new receipients of special privileges and protected status?
1a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or national borders
Update February 28, 2025
As politics is subject to change every 2 to 4 years, for the ordinary denizen it is the Inability to Plan which is making life impossible. We denizens cannot rely on anything being stable, consistent, reliable and agreement capable.
(especially purchasing power of the dollar, access to savings, and threat of theft by parasites)
“When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed.” Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged 1957
So Donald, where are MY reparations for a life spent as a 2nd class citizen, denied opportunities, fed false hopes, and wasted untold years of my life applying to jobs for which I had no possibility of receiving because I am not a
"protected class" / Special Interest Group (SIG).
It may be too late in life for me to repair the damage inflicted upon me and my loved ones, to recover my irreplaceable time and find success, but it is not too late for me to educate my children, grandchildren and other young people to the dangers of believing or holding out any hope for the future based upon the propaganda spouted by any regime in the
whether now or in the future.
(yes, even the Trump regime).
Maybe it's time for us "denizens" to use lawsuits to recover OUR reparations (before the Trump regime loses power) for the past 50+ years of aparthied laws which we've suffered under while those parasites who perpetrated these discriminatory and damaging acts are still alive.
In Part Two: "Reparations for Denizens" I will outline what I believe are steps which determined Denizens could undertake to seek compensation from the parasites which, under colour of law1, stole their rights, prosperity, time, happiness and equality of opportunities of future success.
W.K. Darcy
February 18, 2025
P.S. Watch this video (not mine) does a great job of laying it all out.
1In the United States Code, the term "color of law" describes and defines an action that has either a "mere semblance of legal right," or the "pretense of right," or the "appearance of right," which adjusts and colors the law to the circumstance, whilst the apparently legal action is itself illegal. The term "under color of any law" means "under pretense of law" and prohibits depriving another person of his/her rights under such pretense.