Patriots Leaving

Why Fight the Inevitable Loss of the Republic?

Emmigration or Secession? Which one is right for you?

(menu at bottom of page)

Whether physically leaving the former united states (emmigrating) or withdrawing from society and the "system" to the extent possible (considering your personal situation) in an effort to "start or join" a secessionist movement in a state, many men and some women have already taken these steps to shed the parasites from the cabal1 in


(formerly Washington, D.C.)

Many young people are sloooowly waking up to the fact that their inability to plan2 and their inability to have an independent life and at least have a CHANCE of finding success and happiness is usually not because of them, but because of the infestation of parasites who have not only rigged the system, but have "pulled up the ladder" to make it almost impossible to earn enough money to ever afford a middle-class lifestyle.

The fact that just to balance the budget will require a $2 TRILLION3 dollar budget cut not just this coming year, but EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER shows that it is mathematically and politically impossible. And you'd still have the $36 TRILLION dollar existing debt on which the bankers collect interest. The interest on this debt is reported to now be $1 TRILLION dollars with the debt spiking $257 BILLION (a quarter of a TRILLION) just for October 2024 alone!

1noun Cabal
  1. A conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers.

  2. A secret scheme or plot. 


The economy is so dependent upon people and corportions feeding at the government trough, that a $2 Trillion dollar budget cut would plunge the economy into ruins and most assuredly society into a revolution.

So regardless of your politics, if you can balance a checkbook (does anybody still write checks?) you will comprehend that it is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE to pay off the debt.

If you cannot balance a checkbook, If you do not read and only listen to videos, then you need to move to West Liberalstan1 and place your faith in bagwan2 gavin newsome3 and ayatollah pelosi.

The entire former united states (fusa) is critically unstable4 and those parasites in power (dem rats AND repubs) will continue feeding off your blood sweat and tears while their lives improve and your lives continue to decline.

If you have to spend 99% of your free time (outside of work to support yourself) in battles with the parasites from local "lawn enforcement5 6" up to the federalies7 in Marxville (formerly Washington, D.C.),

what have you gained? 

How many parasites can YOU carry?

Student loan debt, a mortgage and property taxes which gives the parasites "authority" to steal your years of work if you make one mistake8 and miss a payment? Or mistakenly under-pay9? All because your employer sent







8  Man Loses Home After Failing To Pay $8.41 In Property Taxes

9 Widow Loses House Over $6.30 Tax Bill

your job to India? Your bank "de-banked" you and you can't get to your money? Or you can't get a new job because you don't fit into any

Special Interest Group???!!!!! SIG

Or you sell your car for CASH so you can pay bills to survive a period of unemployment, but a parasite (cop) stops you under a pretext (under colour of law), and after illegally searching you, finds that you have a large amount of cash and declares that it is drug money and that he is "arresting" the cash on suspicion of it being part of a drug crime.

Media reports that "men are dropping out of the work force" and girls complain on their social-psycho therapy apps that they cannot earn enough to survive.

If you missed the 2300-page Dodd-Frank Bill passed into law in 2010 (which many congressional parasites admitted they did not read before approving it)


if you have somehow missed "Civil Asset Forfeiture" for the past 40+ years

AND if you missed the 2016 Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act

You would be money and time ahead to learn how these three acts of the congressional parasites puts EVERYONE in the cross hairs of government parasites who are focused on transferring YOUR MONEY into THEIR POCKETS!

(A synopsis of these three acts of Congress and how they have destroyed people's lives will be available for those who are seriously interested and can make a donation)

If you are fed up and feel like millions of others and are ready to take calculated risks to develop the ability to plan and be self-supporting, send a donation and email (in accordance with instructions on donations page).

W.K. Darcy

December 28, 2024

Wealth Inequality

Foreign Wars

No way to comply and be legal

Insurance CEO assassination

Not Guilty but receives death threats


Business men say "risk is not worth the reward"

Guilty because he is white

WHY must BRICS kow-tow to Marxville?

For October 2024: Bottom line: The Biden government spent $257-billion more than it took in. (for the month of October 2024) So, we’re now piling up new debt over a quarter-trillion per month or $4 Trillion per year!

It shows that in October and November, the US deficit exploded to a staggering $624.2 billion, and even though this included several calendar adjustments - which explains the freak September surplus which as we said was due to calendar effects - the November deficit of $367 billion was $14 billion more than consensus estimates of $353 billion. Worse, combining October and November we find that not only was the combined number of $624 billion some 64% higher than the corresponding period one year ago, but it was also the highest deficit on record for the first two-months of the year (and that includes the spending insanity during the covid crisis). 

Summary of fusa money/debt situation:

Debt for: Oct and Nov = $624.2B - $257B = $367.2B borrowing/printing for Nov

367.2-257 = $110.2B increase. 110.2/257 = 43% increase in printing in 1 MONTH! If this continues, December will be $525B borrowing/printing

(over 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS) for one month!

January projects to be: $525B X 1.43 = $751B in one month! 3/4 $\Tr 

And dem rats have no intention of slowing down!

Buy more Silver!

The Governor has responded by refusing to use what money is available to hire new inspectors and clerks. As a result, the average wait time for a driver’s license is four to six hoursif it is possible to get one at all.

Of course, it is illegal to drive, and impossible to fly, without a valid “Real ID” driver’s license, so citizens have no choice but to pay the trouble tax. This kind of government failure, driven by the fact that employees of the state focus on money, but care nothing for the time of citizens, is a product of bureaucracy and monopoly power. There is no reason to make the system more convenient or more efficient, because there is no profit incentive, no payoff to providing good service.

We are all forced, essentially at gunpoint, to line up and accept whatever “service” the state deigns to provide.

Here is another writer (above) who claims that the state govt should spend MORE to make people's lives easier, but never stops to ask WHY do people have to renew their drivers license every 5 years or so? Do people "unlearn" how to drive? Does your degree from college expire? These same parasites who demand YOU pay money and use YOUR time to jump through their hoops, hand out drivers licenses to illegals with no qualifications!

SEC ruled illegal