Even liberals who can't balance a checkbook, define what a woman is, (the list continues ad nauseum) must eventually realize that the constant conflict between liberals and traditionalists (the word conservative is meaningless these days) is the greatest waste of time, energy, health and MONEY that the world has ever experienced.
Liberals' constant whining threats and demands that traditional people accept THEIR liberal religious/political/maniacal/environmental/medical/anti-nature beliefs will never be accepted by traditionalists. There is no longer a "middle of the road" and there certainly is not "common ground" to resolve conflicts.
So why not give the liberals their own "Home Land"??????
Liberals would be free to communize/sterilize/immigrantize/propagandize/abnormalize/abastardize/adulterize/third-world-ize/balkanize/barbarize/bureaucratize/cannabalize/de-Christianize/cocanize/and
euthanize the people within their borders.
Bagwan Gavin Newsom and Ayatollah Pelosi would be free to
their devoted followers
so they could show the world that THEIR subjects will own nothing and be HAPPY!
And those poor traditionalists will have to make their own decisions on how to survive. They will have no choice but to work hard from childhood, putting their noses to the grindstone to learn, develop skills to produce REAL tangible goods to exchange in free, competitive and voluntary markets ("OH, I'M STRESSED! I NEED A VACATION").
The poor traditionalists will also have to make their own choices in health care. They will be forced to read and learn how to:
control their appetites and vices
eat healthfully
grow and can their own foods
hunt and fish
cook with firewood
how to naturally fend off viruses and parasites (microbial)
how to live without health insurance (oh the horror!)
how to defend themselves and their communities
Those poor traditionalists! They won't have the free-time to spend 6 hours a day on social-psycho therapy apps and video games or calling the police and filing lawsuits because someone hurt their feelings. They will simply have to get over it!
Traditionalists will have to suffer the drudgery of playing with their children, fixing up their homes, repairing their ancient gasoline powered cars and lawnmowers, helping neighbors and old folks.
Traditionalist will no longer become entangled in foreign wars, for they will be too busy guarding THEIR new borders to prevent their people from fleeing to the workers' paradise of Liberalstan!
W.K. Darcy
January 1, 2025
Added January 3, 2025