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With very few exceptions, girls (any female under 55 years of age and any female who has not conceived and raised a child) have demonstrated for the past 30 + years that they are NOT capable of independent living, they are NOT capable of living without men in their lives, and they are absolutely incapable of living without special privileges and the force of government and feminist media to intimidate and threaten men1 in order to enforce those special privileges!
And after the 2024 election victory of Trump, they are clearly confirming the past 30+ years of strife and feminist drama that girls are emotionally unstable and simply NOT agreement capable!
You only need to watch the myriads of girls
(on tik tok and other drama-video-social-psycho-therapy websites)
literally crying
and ranting and threatening all men and boys who do not bow down to their every whim, including threatening to murder men (by poisoning them with something called "Aqua Tofana"2) because a majority of men voted for Trump!
Other girls crying on these videos stating they are over their phase of
"I'm a strong and independent woman3
are crying for men to please come rescue them, they need a man in their lives4, they are a "damsel in distress" because:
she needs repairs done to her car or around her home
she's tired of working a 9 to 5 job
she's lonely
she can't handle coming home to an empty house and a cat
she's a single mother and needs a father-figure for her child
she wants to be a mother
she wants to be a housewife
ad nauseum
And then there are the very young girls crying and asking why old women condemned them to "equality", necessitating college, student loan debt, POTENTIAL MILITARY CONSCRIPTION AND FRONT LINE COMBAT (they can thank Hillary Clinton for that) working the grind and being stuck with a man's responsibilities and stress when they would much prefer to BE A WOMAN and assume the traditional roles which were encouraged and readily available to women of previous generations.
Now, men have been so abused by this feminist/special interest group-dominated society, they are choosing to avoid girls in relationships1 2and in the workplace.3
These artificially induced societal changes of trying to make girls the equals of men, have created conditions to which girls simply cannot adapt.
Is it any wonder that " In 2022, an estimated 27 percent of U.S. women received mental health treatment or counseling in the past year.4"
The State Department reportedly held literal cope and seethe therapy sessions for employees who couldn’t handle that Trump won the election on November 5th. 5
3 Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Once again, girls' emotions and vanity depend upon special privileges and force of government and subsidies to cater to their "needs" and "beliefs".
Just look at Hillary Clinton. Read (if you are able) the book1 by the retired secret service agent who was part of Bill Clinton's security detail. According to this ss agent, it was a common occurrence for the security details to have to enter the residential section of the white house in order to stop Hillary from hitting Bill with lamps and other objects she would throw during hysterical eruptions.
Hillary is not a stable person and there is plenty of documentation (in other sources as well) to show this. And yet, the media has continually protected her and proclaimed her "right" to be the next president.
Now: Speculation is brewing about Hillary Clinton running for president in 2028. 1
Clinton would be in her 80's while campaigning and yet, when Ronald Reagan was campaining at 68 years of age, dem rats (especially girls) were complaining that Reagan was too old. But there is no questioning Hillary's age! Nor her "special privileges2". A very good example of a man being able to speak factually and objectively while this girl Hillary resorts to emotions and name calling is right here. 3
Michelle Obama is attacking Melania Trump1 as though Melania's positions/politics are of concern to the voters. Obama's girl spits out words to see where they splatter, thinking she can somehow threaten those (both men and girls) who do not agree with dem rats 100%.
These examples demonstrate that dem rats and most girls are emotional basket cases who are mentally incapable of independent thinking and acting objectively. With VERY few exceptions, girls are unable and unwilling to take the time to read and research. They are addicted to videos and "following the herd".
An extreme example of girls being emotionally incapable of thinking and acting objectively is the new "movement" by liberal Trump-hating girls to be STERILIZED2 so that they can never become pregnant!
Do you truly want emotionally unstable girls like this getting into positions of authority? Making decisions as a result of their emotions, rather than objectivity?
This can only be described as a cultist phenomenon on par with Jim Jones and the mass suicide of his followers (1970's).
If these girls are willing to "mutilate" themselves for their "political-religious" beliefs and enter into a position of authority, what is to prevent them from enacting laws/dictates to mutilate other people who do not follow their beliefs?
We have just heard from two female special interest group supreme court injustices making statements which support mutilation of children in sex transitions:
And the Vermont Supreme Court ruling that
Again we have irrational, emotional girls making life-changing decisions and using the force of government to impose THEIR UNNATURAL BELIEFS on people who just want to be left alone and not have someone else's BELIEFS rammed down their throats.
When the "reverend" Jim Jones commanded his followers to drink kool-aid which was laced with cyanide, people who were not "true believers" in Jim Jones' religious "visions" and would not drink the poison, were overpowered and forced to drink the poison.
We've had decades of government parasites flouting laws and common sense and only now with Trump scheduled to be in a position of authority
are SOME OF the parasites suddenly running to hide and siding with the people and common sense.
As it would take a book to describe all the instances of the crimes committed in the past decades by the parasites, the most obvious is the covid JABS and the government coercion to force people into taking the jab (no different than the "reverend" Jim Jones).
There are now millions of people (billions world-wide) suffering severe health problems and a spike in deaths who are suffering sudden death from blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks, all directly linked to the JABS.
In the 1970's during the "swine flu" outbreak when the government rushed the production and "free" distribution of a vaccine against the swine flu, they withdrew the "vaccine" after 25 deaths and numerous cases of paralysis.
If you spoke out against these JABS a few years ago, you'd be vilified, CANCELLED, thrown out of work, and in some cases fined or imprisoned for falsifying that you had been JABBED.
Now, there are multi-million dollar lawsuits by those who were JABBED, cancelled, unemployed, villified, ostracized, widowed or put out of business (such as doctors who spoke out against the JABS).
Nobody in a position of authority stood up to stop this insanity before it was imposed on millions of people. And it was (from my observations) mainly girls in politics, media and in the social psycho therapy apps (tik-tok etc) who blindly believed and helped push/coerce "non-believers" into taking the JAB and ridiculing and threatening those who would not take the JAB.
Do you think any parasites in "authority" are going jump into a fray to prevent "feminist law" from being applied to you? Even if it is point blank obvious unconstitutional? You don't need a lawyer/judge to determine if a law or government action is constitutional, you simply need to read the constitution and the writings of the founding fathers.
Without loads of money to "buy" justice you will be fed to the system. Just ask Trump.
As noted above, girls are openly discussing the poisoning of men who voted for Trump. The biden regime is not pursuing criminal charges against these girls of "conspiracy to commit murder". If men openly discussed doing harm of any sort to girls because of their political beliefs/actions, the biden regime would be kicking down doors and conducting SWAT raids.
How can any man or traditional girl plan for the future under such imminent threats?
Who knows who will be in power in 2028?
Traditional girls are going to learn that their best form of protection is not special privileges, subsidies and government force, but a traditional MAN in their life who is dedicated to her and is willing to "go to the hilt1" to protect her and their children. But that requires a girl to give the same dedication to the man in her life.
Additionally, with feminist special interest groups vying for political power, members of congress cannot even debate/argue in the same language.
This exchange2 This exchange 3 between a congress girl and an old white man exemplifies that, with very few exceptions, girls are simply not up to the task of objectively and efficiently acting in such a position of power.
1This idiom alludes to the handle ( hilt ) of a sword, the only portion that remains out when the weapon is plunged all the way in. The figurative use of the term was first recorded in 1687.
2 This video was removed less than 24 hours later. It was between congress girl debbie wasserman schultz and Robert Kennedy Jr.
3 This exchange is between congress girl cortez and Tom Homan
If you are able to listen and focus on what each of them are stating, it is quite clear that the old white man knows the subject material, tries to present hard evidence, is well read in the Constitution and is adroitely trying to state his case/position and defend himself from what he considers to be defamatory accusations by the congress girl.
The congress girl does not address any of the subject matter, but resorts to name calling and "taking offense" to what the old white man is trying to present as well as making accusations of "offensive words" spoken by the old white man from 10 years ago!
This congress girl resorts to such tactics because she has no hard facts or valid/logical arguments with which to counter the positions/assertions of the old white man. She obviously has not read up on the subject matter and her constant talking over the old white man as though she were scolding some teenager is condescening and disrespectful. It is point-blank obvious she is preventing him from speaking to counter her emotional accusations.
In the Tom Homan instances, he had to educate these congress girls that it IS breaking the criminal law to illegally enter the borders of the united states, even quoting chapter and verse of the law.
This is not an isolated incident, neither in government, private industry nor personal lives. But it is standard procedure for the majority of girls when they are in over their heads and do not know the subject matter.
But the most egregious inaction of the congress girl is that she never pauses to consider:
What if this old white man is correct in his assertions?
Instead, she attempts to bury the matter with name calling and defamatory accusations which have no bearing on the subject matter. The congress girl is unable to argue with facts and research, so she attempts to kill the messenger.
If you look simply at the direct cost of this congress girl having her tantrum, such a diatribe should be considered fraud waste and abuse.
The number of people (all getting paid high salaries) in that chamber, listening to such childish rantings for 20 minutes is at least in the tens of thousands of dollars. And for what?
And yet another congress girl resorting to ad hominem attacks on
Musk and Ramaswamy1 for their objective and mathematically correct positions of attempting to reduce government waste and out-of-control spending. Name calling and disparaging remarks is the typical girlish attack because she has no logical arguments against their call to action to eliminate the parasitic waste of Marxville (formerly Washington D.C.)
With the high percentage of American girls under psychiatric care and the obvious epidemic of female mental distress on the social psycho therapy apps, does anyone want unstable and irrational girls (who cannot prepare for a discussion to the same level as a man) involved with decision making on such a level?
(Although congress demands random drug testing for everyone else, congress is not drug tested and yet those making such costly, life-damaging decisions should be the very FIRST people to be tested, ESPECIALLY young and old congress girls)
In new york, the state attorney general, a female special interest group, who campaigned for office on the platform that she would "Get Trump" has been wasting millions of dollars "To Get Trump"2. And even now that Trump has been elected president she is claiming she is still going to "go after him".
Listen to the above video from this respected legal professional who explains that there are no victims of Trump's alleged "crimes", it is simply
that girl attorney general considers Trump's Florida home to be worth only $18 million dollars (remember, she is a "lawyer" not a "real estate appraiser") so her claim is that Trump lied on his loan application to the banks. Again, no facts, no proof, only emotional allegations on a subject (appraisals) for which she is not even qualified! The bank in question even testified that the loan was paid back on time and with interest and that they looked forward to doing business AGAIN with Trump! Is any government official going after this attorney general for fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer funds?
If anybody still studies actual history, it was widely reported at the time that Warren Harding was elected president because he was the more handsome of the two candidates and it was the first election in which girls were able to vote.
The examples above are just a few of the endless parade of situations to PROVE that, with few exceptions, girls make decisions based upon emotions (that is how God made them) and are INCAPABLE of objectively doing the work of most men.
In 1919, the women's christian temperance movement and their allies pressured congress into passing the 18th ammenment which outlawed alcohol in the united states which ushered in "Prohibition", a period of gangsterism, corruption and murder as rival gangs vied for control of illegal alcohol sales. It was 14 years later before congress was convinced that their social experiment to control human nature was flawed and innefective, and in 1933 the 18th ammendment was repealed.
Starting in 1970, many states lowered the legal drinking age to 18, the argument being that if a young man was old enought go fight and die for his country (Viet Nam), then he should be able to have a drink. When auto accidents and deaths from drunk driving started to sky rocket, the age went right back up to 21. It was obvious that, with few exceptions, most 18 year olds were insufficiently mature to control their alcohol consumption.
Girls in the united states were granted the right to vote in 1920. We have witnessed 104 years of this social experiement. Again, with few exceptions, most girls cannot fathom the separation of powers between the federal government and state governments (a most recent example, the decision to put the abortion question back to the states where such a question belongs as there in nothing in the Constitution giving power to decide such a matter to the federal government).
Abortion is the only issue that matters to many girls and they will make a decision based on that one issue only. Such fanaticism and cult-like mindset (such as those girls who openly discuss poisoning their husbands and boyfriends "Aqua Tofana"1) by girls who openly attempt to intimidate others into voting "their" choice or else! are mentally unfit to be involved in such important decision making.
Is there any effort by the biden regime to pursue legal charges against these emotionally unstable girls for attempting to illegally influence an election with violence?
Furthermore, these girls (and probably many men) who have never read the papers of the founding fathers fail to learn and comprehend the original intent of the founders. That is, with each state being a "free and independent state", their idea was that if one state became overbearing / tyrannical, people would be free to move to a different state which was more in line with their beliefs and ideas.
Just as when (2018) men of common sense put an end to the catastrophic, socialist inspired "Obama Care" mandatory health insurance scam which adversely impacted girls to a greater degree than men, it is time to bring a halt to this catastrophic social political experiment of trying to play God and make girls equal to men.
Return voting rights to men only who are full-fledged CITIZENS and who own property (land, house, business) who "have skin in the game". It wouldn't solve all problems in government, but it would be a good start.
It would also simplify girls' lives, reduce their stress and anxiety and significantly improve their physical and MENTAL health.
And undoubtedly, put out of business many divorce lawyers1 and psychiatrists (parasites) as well as putting a huge dent into the profits of the criminal pharmaceutical corporations.
Surprisingly, it won't be men who start the push to repeal the 19th Amendment, but traditional girls who are now yearning for the happiness and quality of life which housewives of the past were so privileged to enjoy. It will also eliminate the eventuality of girls being forced to go fight and die in some foreign war for the profits of the corporations2.
W.K. Darcy
November 17, 2024
"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny."
– Aristotle
P.S. The 28th ammendment will also raise the voting age to 25 as today's youth need at least that much time to figure out that:
"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch". (TANSTAAFL3)
P.P.S. The first state to secede4 will embrace the above principles of the founding fathers and create a society which traditional girls will WANT to be part of. (And men will be glad of it!)
P.P.P.S. ANY Special Interest Group (SIG5) which would want to even consider running AGAIN 6 such a poorly educated and mentally unfit
(of questionable health1) political candidate who squandered over $1.5 BILLION dollars
in a mere few of months with such a disasterous defeat is clearly being
subsidized with unknown subversive money
and are pandering to, and fanning the flames of discontent amongst
those who make decisions based on emotions2.
(WOMEN3, and hysterical4 ones at that!)
2 Robert Kennedy Jr. exposing the war machine corruption
P.P.P.S. (Ayn Rand)
"No amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot."
– Mark Twain
update Tues November 26, 2024
And now the defeated child harris wants to RUN AGAIN? But she is trying to decide whether to run for president or for governor of california1?
harris can't even put together a coherent statement
let alone balance a checkbook, conduct a discussion or explain her proposed policies and plans.
WHO in their right mind2 would invest in a BILLION DOLLAR LOSER?
Subversive, dark money! THAT is WHO!
She's a puppet!