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How Many Parasites
Can YOU Carry?
Well Donald, now that YOU’VE tasted the wrath of the other parasites, which we the people have suffered under for DECADES, and YOU have faced false accusations and are NOW faced with Civil Asset Forefeiture on a scale only Caligula could imagine, are you ready to:
1 Support The Abolition of the RICO Act and Civil Asset Forefeiture
When passed in the 80’s, the bureau rats PROMISED that these would only be used against drug king pins.
(This is what the Russians mean when they say: “Not agreement capable” )
“Trump even telling a Texas sheriff last year he could “destroy” the career of an unspecified state senator who wanted to end the practice (of civil asset forfeiture)”
2 Support Fully-Informed Juries and the enshrinement of “Blackstone’s Principle” that: “It is better that 10 guilty go free than for 1 innocent to suffer”
3 The Right to Trial by a Jury (where you reside) of 12 PEERS, of the same race, the same economic background, the same sex, the same education. (O.J. Simpson had such a situation, why did you NOT? Oh yes, he was a dem rat)
4 The Abolition of “Immunity” for government attorneys who invent new crimes1 and judges who agree to hear them in their courts.2 The lives and savings of people destroyed by these parasites should be restored as well as possible from the hides of those attorneys and judges who committed these crimes against humanity, not by tax payer dollars.
5 The Criminalization of government attorneys threatening maximum sentences/punishments if you maintain your innocence and to enshrine “Innocent until Proven Guilty” instead of what has devolved 180 degrees into having to prove that you “Didn’t do it” (proving a negative is logically impossible)
6 Admit that you screwed up with your decisions on the JABS (vaccines).
SUPPORT REPARATIONS FOR ALL people directly/indirectly effected/damaged/traumatized by this bio-weapons genocide to have the right to be made whole from the private assets of the drug giants (Pfizer, et al) as well as Dr. Anthony “Mengele” Fauci and all other bureau rats, journalists and talking heads who promoted, profited from these DEATH JABS, and denigrated and threatened those who questioned or opposed this genocide.
Impose the Nuremberg Principles on those who were involved in this genocide. No more “I was just following orders”.
There is precedent for ex poste facto laws so don’t let that stop you.
7 RECOGNIZE AND SUPPORT the dissolution of the former united states so that each individual and SOVEREIGN state (as recognized by Great Britain in the Treaty of Paris 1783) can go their own way and solve their own problems without being burdened by the parasites of other states AND Washington DC.
Gorbachov ended the Soviet Union and bush the first applauded the efforts to let each of the 15 Soviet Republics have the freedom to do what is best for THEIR people.
Why can’t the denizens of the fusa have the same freedom? Clearly, there is no longer anything “uniting” these 50 states and territories. 3
And just as India was divided into India, East Pakistan, and West Pakistan based upon religious beliefs,4 move ALL liberals and THEIR illegals to california and new york the new “East and West Liberalstan”, the new parasitic theocracies for those of the intolerant liberal religion.
Well Donald, are you REALLY ready to make amerika great again?
Didn’t think so!
So even if you “survive” your circus maximus and resume your rental at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, YOUR favorite parasites (special interest groups)5 will thrive and continue sucking the life blood from the denizens of not only the former united states (fusa), but world denizens within reach of YOUR parasites!
If denizens are fed up with BOTH wings of the parasite party, do yourselves a favor and “Tune out, Turn off and DROP OUT”!
Let’s give them a November6 the 5th that they shall never, ever, forget!
Bring about REAL change and BOYCOTT 20247
W.K. Darcy
July 14, 2024
PS: Stop using the term “elites”, they are PARASITES!
Remember, Remember the 5th of November the
Democrat Treason and Plot!
I know of no reason why the Democrat Treason should ever be FORGOT!